Alas clicks past!


And so I am sure there is a technical explanation to this
I said to my friend sipping my tea still a bit heartbroken but happy

Happy to have been able to explain such complex matter
in fast – simple – straightforward way
much better than I could have ever done talking about politics or gossiping

He concluded : but my dear you know well we all live simultaneously in many stories all running along parallel planes.

then suddenly this silly invisible pretty dressed girl showed up
with shiny eyes
passionately kissing the guy in the mirror across us

under the same moon which I once scorned so cynically
while I kissed such and such boy first time
for his openness
that the moonlight shall define our act of romance

My friend’s reply swept away all such last small stains of worry regarding the current story and the past

and made me wish to equate the both as if a masterpiece
such that we have solved all the mystery of … which universe?
A mystery which seems not really happening now more than a flower’s  perception about our existence as pathetic .

I love my friend’s sincere attention and humor
and interest to stimulate the flow of our words:

but then I knew
my life story altered the other day

by his’
in -my -mind

Putting us all in this plane
that runs a version of his’
one of probable ones now
he ?

but possibly
because of something I might have done
and can speculate about at this point
just to be able to point at such possibility  

Something totally unrelated to a story that he is experiencing right now
has put us here to discuss this unrelated matter this way at this moment

and such phenomenon is maybe well known to all of us
and might be understandable by most of us

however the probable occurrence of it in the past
could have manifested objectively at this point
as an event that has already occurred in the past
is only because of what I have physically done
even almost at this moment of now!

And  I poured some more in the cup of our mystery before he has even replied

As a result of a wishful thinking! Of course I said
Which is also a result of a contact with pain and sorrow or its reverse

As Sri Krishna explains to Anjuna
‘This is the real meaning of Yoga – a deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow’

Now it is interesting to experience – even before its observation! (and maybe interesting that is the only way of observation here)

that a future act (A)
(if unpleasant to senses->an act  which in nature is disregardful to one’s own inner knowing)

has the power to activate all the means of an  event (X) (X is in the past relative to A)

so that
the event X can occur in the past relative to and because of the future act (A) – but x could have only happened in the past

to be able to manifest itself as the sole version (eX) of a (an unpleasant) story now in this plane.

And only after the discovery
The act of observation is left to us

Because of the receipt of the senses
Of the pleasant or of unpleasant

Not really taking them serious
knowing that
I had the capacity to ignore
what truly was important that time!:..:

an inner knowing
that was ignored

to touch
a temptation
of a click

opened these

one of which could have devoured us  
if we were not observant at this point

Anyway I guess my skin somehow saves me
and that’s a true speculation LOL!
Making me curious to understand
what the brain cannot
only there I knew
we have haunted
what might have never occurred

Technology of Love#1 – Vacuum Cleaner Business

An experiment in writing and a sketch for programming:

A sketch for project proposal:

once you are in perfect balance with your senses
oops!<perfection here is to be discussed>
you will be able to touch the invisible object/s of the mind
you will be able to work with these objects
and once you do so the perception will alter
your perception of things of thoughts of senses
will be observable on selfless frequency
of and by being it all
and alter ‘the resultant perception’ – the vibration of true connectedness
i.e. we are in touch with something that we have never been able to grasp
for we have never been able to be in touch as such
once we learn working together with the invisible objects of the mind
we will be able to create ‘magic’ -let’s use the term for now-
we also come to a level of being the seer
we go through the essence of what used to be called ‘matter’
we peel off the on the surface – the rough and dense layers
of material -and will be able to touch the very core –
the essence of objects -mind objects
everything that has an objective quality is a mind object
likewise a thought is a mind object
these mind objects by which we communicate with
which we can touch and exchange
these are products of quality of awareness
by which we will be able to travel
Let’s say the contact as such creates the means of traveling
just like a vehicle
May that be the energy required to travel through the exchange?
May that be a universal balance?
May that be the perfection?
the perfect balance which we discussed?
which could create an equivalence of universal balance within ?
through the poetic exercise of the contact a universality is achieved
in this case through one means / such as of dance / of touch
so it has the same qualities of the unchanging

This through senses traveling and the contact
-which we have accomplished-
is a certain kind of higher awareness
by which through poetic exercise
we can go through levels of acknowledging observation towards its permanence
the initial process is via poetic exercise that allows us to be with the true self eventually
this is comparable to asana practice in yoga
slowly the practitioner sees that the final ideal posture is a perfection and idealization for the body (in mind) which can be reached effortlessly without the requirement of physical separateness
and as you mould to real self thoughtlessly
the body will form into the pose by pranayama
also effortlessly
this is a dance of Shakti
the final asana that has been posed into effortlessly via the natural flow of the pranayama
breath and the body shapes into is a point where Shakti and Shiva meet
in each manifestation of the posture there is a divinity
likewise communication by contact – the divine contact
which in fact created communication that can go through deeper levels of the essence of things/objects
the control and universal balance is achieved through the contact
of the unseen objects of the mind
is a divine touch – divine touch means ideal communication
for there is wondering
no loss to the surrounding
what is sent is being received simultaneously without having a causal space
this is how the information by the seers has been brought to us
the knowing about all – like healing plants – can be retrieved by such awareness, consciousness
this will enable us to see what seers have seen
gaining and by the new frequency of perception – a higher form of perception
by which you will never wish to come back to the rougher layers of consciousness – the not being hereness – the controlled ones living in a soup that can be wiped at anytime no matter what is in the soup – yoga science discusses this , Patanjali
knowing is always there and is not as a result of an equation
not via equations that starts and ends in a linear form
this is not solved as such because this is self knowing
what we have here is only understood by being it
such is love
we can discuss love only by experiencing
for certain questions about love you will need to embody the being in loveness to be able to understand it
just like the human body that we use by which we have decided to forget about what we truly are to solve our reason to use this mortal body
so says oh No i need to fall in love to be able to manifest the answers to the question that only the state of love consciousness would be able to reveal
there is only one way of understanding it is by being it – it which is absolute and belongs to all knowing or the true self
A black hole is a self-containing phenomenon
there actually is nothing new that can go inside a black hole
so there is no light that will be captured via a suction
nothing like the vacuum cleaner kind object – which btw belongs to this world –
black hole material is made of mind
the scenario that something other than itself can be caught by a black hole is a theory
the black hole is self contained – it has been formed because there are stars
it is a manifestation of what has already been there
something that is important not to forget

so theoretically whatever is being gobbled by a black-hole is the cause of the formation of the black hole but it is not after of before
there is no means of anything that the black hole will be able to take in after its hypothesized formation
whatever hypothetically has been gobbled is because of its formation and the cause of its formation
there are stellar bodies within many universes
these stellar bodies are mind objects which constitute an energy
objects residing in a universe that has endless number of coordinate points
within a bubble / a universe that they reside in and project on the membrane
A black hole is because of these universes as a point of love
anything within a universe is temporary
anything that is temporary within that universe
has a point which is permanent
anything that is temporary and subject to change is permanent by its energy
anything visual is temporary
anything sensual is temporary
it is a play
an opera
poems of love
of desire
of passion
the created symbol
the sign
carries an indestructible sign
which is permanent
that sign is called love
that is permanence

back to senses:
once you learn to touch the invisible objects of the mind
and work with them
then you will be able to slow time
when time is slowed it means that it is in perfect control of you
but you can go further than in perfect control
you can start working with time
direction infinity as limit goes to zero
that is also when you approach the event horizon
so you could say black holes are objects of love you can pass to other universes through black holes ? but

the place and of the existence of a hub
there is a hub in which and by which everything is permanent and eternal
so not subject to change
is of absolute presence – of super awareness- or of simply the true self – love and that means of knowing selflessly everything by being
what we all truly are
there is no time in that hub
there is no universe apart from us
no space between me and you
self contained point

in the scenario of a black hole there really is a separation
only from the fact that it is observable
the very observation of a thing creates the thing as a separate object of the mind
any object of mind is subject to change however with a black hole
there must then be a second/ an equivalence of the black hole
the true exchange in the hub
of divine love
is the absolute awareness
ball of silence and beingness
through exchange nothing is lost
it is ideal
and when a consciousness goes to observe a manifestation of an object of mind as a scientific test object there is a loss
therefore this might be the gate to another universe
the energy of the loss by the very act of conscious observation can serve as a vehicle to transport from one universe to the other
so it is not via the hub the divine
it is via the what is surrounding the hub
there at that point there is a loss of mind object
this is what we can observe
by loss I mean what is being sent and received there is no time gap and space in the divine
likewise when a love word is whispered by Shakti it is only heard by Shiva which has always been there there is no time gap – it is only manifestation of what has already been there in form
the interaction is via two lovers which makes it absolute
the final point is love
we can practice here in our primitive deeds we study to be able to go further and understand the technology of love
So it is through the two self conscious loving ends that the object of the hub exists
can’t say though the hub is inside the object or outside
but the hub is the place where all in one universe is stored
which serves as a window to see what is beyond creation
through linking two equivalent universes
through consciousness and equal love force
a turbulence always needs a ground to manifest on
like the earth
but in there what we call space
a black hole doing vacuum cleaner business is unlikely
there is a union



Three Teachers

I met three teachers yesterday
three unforgettable ones

one reminded me why I am here
one reminded me why I forget I am here
the last one is …will be…with me until I am

all are – meant to be  for this – and
from this lifetime

those that will linger on –
linger on eventually
as one

first one showed me why I am doing what I am doing
why in essence I started with such a practice
why I embody what I embody
why I chose to get lost in detail
why I be like a devotee to its technology-
a lover at times
and the true method of extending it through your life
learning to adjust my life around it
my life story… moulding around it
you should take that route in learning –
let your  physical self experience-
as we are here for that reason-
experience by our bodies-
challenge limited  selves’ perception- and eventually freedom –  freedom of creation

after the lesson I was cycling- became the lightness of the wind- half here- half pushing the ambience – as if the whole world shaped and reshaped around me by that cycling – which said – we are here to create- create just – we are here to listen to that subtle loving sound coming from inside- listen listen to that just – there is nothing else to hear- except that silence of knowing – all will pass-

I heard me say ‘I love you’…for a moment but no … I will only see you when I am as good as my love for you –
I did not mind about the maths that an objective part of the poor  mind starts calculating repeatedly to tell me : ‘ but that equals to one! ‘-
I observe her observations and let it be her business just- not of my concern I say firm – and watch my legs without looking –

watch how they cycle- how on earth could they all of a sudden get such power while an hour ago they were complaining ?- so then listen to the music just – enjoy where there is no resistance-
it is of course the network that works – makes my legs a collective part of its wholeness – when my motor is this music I have nothing else to do – just listen – I go by its rhythm – and play the challenging game of ‘not touching autumn leaves with my wheels’
while the new golden colored ones whirl  curl and fall down like crystals –

I reckon  these ones are on my side – just good omens to support my game because they are a part of this game mainly by creating a clink-clunq in my mind –
like the clapping music – yes I am listening to Steve Reich’s music for 18 musicians- can’t have enough of it- knowing opposites reside on one wheel just-

The subject that you are studying is for a purer reason than the subject itself or its valuable techniques – these are tools that helps you  climb the mountain-  so go around it dancingly as a valuable method – of course you may need to be its humble disciple that aims to be an excellence for its teaching however the excellence is always for the meditation that you will pursue for your soul reason without any attachment- there is no other reason than that  –
for ‘why you are here’ there is no discipline , belief system , a thing,  object , no nothing-
All that you see – touch- feel are temporary all that you have is you and
obviously you already know all  (all that you think  you don’t know)
otherwise how would you know that you don’t know!

Well  we are learning a method of communication here …she says – you can race by an accelerating train or become a child cycling in the same rhythm as that old man with a shirt made of the clouds – yes you can follow him – for a while just – slow down for a while just –  

and that brings me different greens from the fields which I have never seen before –
until he turns right to another road- until our roads diverge – until I have to speed up again to surpass that train – not to show off- but for fun
so that everyone else in this universe will be able to race a train with their bikes –
I was looking for an ingenious method how to pass a train by my bike –

only then I remembered  –  I am late
maybe without carrying time – my appointments – all planned by me and me and only then
the train became a train and disappeared –

I was a girl now with a bike – early morning – suddenly having gone too far – and she unknowingly found herself in the middle of nowhere-
and I made a turn against the wind-
as gravity started capturing my body – thoughts reappeared with lingering complaints:

at least take a flower from that road – pick one of these white ones- stop now- she said stop – but no – I ignored her-
slowly fight came into the scene- I recognized but ignored- calling up agendas, tasks, appointments making the fight stronger : knowingly – unknowingly- knowingly- ignoringly and found the shortcut back home

but just at that point
a miraculously unusual pink flower manifested itself and made me stop at once .

Yes I am for you! she said
Yes it is for me I repeated  – not to analyze further
and at once ran to pick it up

Oh that charming spirit…
It did not happen though  at once –  
it was a sign
but I have damaged it already

I realized what I’ve done
the flower was there to teach me a lesson
about things that I forget
about bliss that shows up which I can ignore afterwards
how do I ignore a truth in exchange of shadowing thoughts?!?
the learned stuff, the frights …be manipulated by these
and even do my big mistakes ?

I have always asked permission from the flower before picking a flower
I have never picked a flower this way before
After this act I wonder how could I turn it back , make it better, change or ask for help
would there be a method to …Other flowers of the same type a few meters away greeted me and said not to worry

but I was worried and could not accept it until the teachings arrived before the midnight

they say :
the flower appeared to teach you not to forget your reasons
understand that even at most impossible times “of bliss”
once you forget that bliss / your WHYs/ yourSELF
you may forget until you won’t forget i.e bliss is not a state 
it is the self
acknowledge what you call ‘mistake’ in humbleness
and even you can mistake the faulty self inside of you to a flower
the faulty inside of you using the image of a flower makes you believe be/do something that you could have never been
eventually No! there is no one out there who will be able to cure by any method to undo what you have done today /
it is not meant to return time  

it is meant to awaken wisdom which has answers to your question
this happened because you should  learn to heal that happening yourself
by learning to offer these thoughtS to a fire – the flower doesn’t mind

the flower was there to be a part of that moment of bliss – to gift it back to you by its appearance

Yes it was for you just but not to be picked up or touched – the flower was there to heal you just by its way of manifestation
the flower was there to make a part of the memory of that bliss that you at once could choose to forget – the flower was also there to let you understand that the time of such forgetfulness/ignorance has passed now at this point of your life

the flower will stay as an undying memory from now on
in your mind
it is also from now on up to you
to make it a gift or not

I understood what the other flowers meant when they said I should not worry
I was sorry like a child for the first time because as a child I used to talk to flowers silently – listen to them like a friend …

that flower gifted me back a dream
that flower became a truth of a dream
that flower that nobody else has ever seen

2014-09-22 18.05.39
 photo by Alin, 2014